For many years I’ve always wanted to live a fit and healthy lifestyle.

My journey began at the beginning of 2014.  After having my third child, I was at my heaviest and felt sluggish and unhealthy.  I was determined to change everything for the better.  I wanted to feel good about myself inside and out.  I started working out (usually at home) 5 days a week and ate healthier.

In June 2014, I took the plunge and joined a local gym.  I took almost every fitness class I could get into and followed a Monday thru Friday workout routine. Along with working out I dedicated myself to clean eating…okay, cleaner eating.Yes, I had many cheat meals and still do but I always manage to eat healthy the majority of the time.

By 2015, I was blessed to have reached my weight goal.  Still, I am a work in progress and I continue to challenge myself.  In my journey, no matter how many times I’ve fallen and felt like giving up, I always kept going. I’ve learned to be strong, patient and determined.



Within each woman is a warrior.  With our bold and stylish fitness apparel, we hope to empower women and inspire them to change themselves from within.  Health and Fitness is a never ending journey.  Whether you’ve just begun or have been persistent for many years, it is very important to love yourself and display your confidence at any stage.  Stay beautiful and stay strong!!